Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 7, it's still in progress.
is the parameter to get the IB value. the user select the single phase or three
phase, but the limitation of my project is only for the single phase. I
consider the single phase user which is the low cost house. People don't
usually use 3phase, so that's why I prefer single phase.That's my limitation.
For the power factor and efficiency it's fix which is 0.85 and 90% or 0.9
efficiency. Its the normal value for both of them at Malaysia.
factor is the ratio of the main supply and the efficiency is the actual
performance with what that can achieved. For the parameter site, since it was a
single phase, so the nominal voltage that user need to key in is 230V (since
2008 the IEE regulation has been change from 240V to 230V). The length and the
load is depends to the user. Once user key in all the data, click the button
IB, it will get the value and appear at coloring box. The coding that I use to
get the IB value is based on this calculation:
IB,design current = P/(V x P.f x Efficiency)