Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 10 (7 April -  13 April2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 10, it's still in progress. Continue with the conductor selection. The other is cable core and I only choose for singe core.
At the "conductor calculation" side, that's the only information that I take. All the information is depends on the reference that I used. Done with the material and so on, there has another parameter that user need to consider which is correction factor. The correction factor is consist Ambient temperature, Grouping Factor and Thermally insulating factor.

For Ambient Temperature, I used the 30deg C until 40deg C, which is the normal temperature in Malaysia. The data that I take from Table 4B1(book Requirement for Electrical Installation). Once the user select the Ambient temperature, the rating factor of that temperature will appear at empty box beside. Ambient Temperature is effect the cable that carrying the load, more heat required more higher the Ambient temperature.

The Table at shown the data that I used for Ambient temperature. When user choose 30deg C it will appear 1.00 and so on.

For Grouping factor, I used the grouping 1 until 5. Actually the grouping factor is up to 20 grouping of cable at 1 place. The grouping factor means the cable that are touching each other through the same path. It's will effect the heat of the cable which is heat will less when cable are alone and the heat will increased when cable bundled together. Same condition with Ambient temperature, the value of rating factor will appear at empty box when user select the grouping.

The Table 4C1 that I use to get the rating factor for Grouping factor.

The result will appear like figure below:
The coding that I use to get the rating factor is:

Ambient_temperature=get(handles.popupmenu1,'value'); /// popupmenu1 is the selected///

switch Ambient_temperature
    case 1
    case 2
      set(handles.edit12,'string','1.00');  /// edit 1 is the box that will appear the rating factor///
    case 3
     case 4

Coding for grouping factor:

Grouping_factor=get(handles.popupmenu2,'value'); /// popupmenu2 is the selected//

switch Grouping_factor
    case 1
    case 2
    case 3
      set(handles.edit13,'string','0.80');  ///edit 13 is the empty box that appear the value of///
    case 4
    case 5
    case 6

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