Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 12,I start the coding to calculate the Cable size which is recoding to the reference that I use (table 4D1A and table 4D1B). The coding is:
box7str = get(handles.edit7,'string'); /// edit7 is the box where the value of It,min appear
box7num = str2double(box7str);
if box7num >= 1 & box7num <= 12 /////based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 13.5
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 1mm');
if box7num >= 1 & box7num <= 12 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 44');
if box7num >= 13.5 & box7num <= 16 ///based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 17.5
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 1.5mm');
if box7num >= 13.5 & box7num <= 16 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 29');
if box7num >= 17.5 & box7num <= 23 ///based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 24
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 2.5mm');
if box7num >= 17.5 & box7num <= 23 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 18');
if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31 //based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 32
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 4mm');
if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 11');
if box7num >= 32 & box7num <= 40 ///based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 41
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 6mm');
if box7num >= 32 & box7num <= 40 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 7.3');
if box7num >= 41 & box7num <= 56 ///based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 57
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 10mm');
if box7num >= 41 & box7num <= 56 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 4.4');
if box7num >= 57 & box7num <= 75 ///based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 76
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 16mm');
if box7num >= 57 & box7num <= 75 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 2.8');
Based on the It,min, the value is 15.1156Amp so the cable size are
selected are 1.5mm. It's all based on the coding above. When the It,min
is>13.5 & <=16, the cable size is 1.5mm are selected. The TVDR also:
if box7num >=
13.5 & box7num <= 16 //based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 17.5
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 1.5mm');
if box7num >= 13.5 & box7num <= 16 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 29');
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 1.5mm');
if box7num >= 13.5 & box7num <= 16 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 29');
Based on the It,min, the value is 30.231Amp so the cable size are
selected are 4mm. It's all based on the coding above. When the It,min
is>24 & <=31, the cable size is 4mm are selected. The TVDR also:
if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31///based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 32
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 4mm');
if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 11');
***CCC = Current carrying capacity which is the current that allowed go through the cable.
if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31///based data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 32
set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 4mm');
if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31 ///Based on Table 4D1B
set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 11');
***CCC = Current carrying capacity which is the current that allowed go through the cable.
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