Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Week 11 (14 April - 20 April 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 11, continue to get the value of It,min. It,min is the current carrying capacity which is the value of current that allowed to go through the cable.. The calculation will based on the formula below:

It,min = IN @ IB / (CaCgCi) 

Ca= Ambient Temperature
Cg= Grouping factor
Ci= Thermal insulation
Since the Thermal insulation not use,  it consider as 1.
When user already select the correction factor, when click the It,min button, the value will appear at coloring box.

To appear the value, I used the same coding like when I want to calculate the IB. The coding at push button It,min is:

Ambient_temperature = str2double(get(handles.edit12, 'String'));
Grouping_factor = str2double(get(handles.edit13, 'String'));
IB = str2double(get(handles.edit1, 'String'));
Calculate = IB/(Ambient_temperature*Grouping_factor);   
str = num2str(Calculate);
set(handles.edit7,'String', str);

The coding at coloring box that the value of It,min will appear:

str = num2str(It);
set(handles.edtIt, 'String', str);

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