Thursday, May 22, 2014

Week 14 (12 May - 18 May 2014)

 On this week, is the last week for the FYP2. I can conclude for this project is the objective is achieved. Why we need this calculation because it can provide the load with a suitable voltage (avoid excessive Vdr) and make the equipment continuously under full load without being damages. The "Development of Interactive Electrical Network Design  (Cable) using Matlab" is easy because the user key in all requirement to get the data that they needed and when I structure the GUI, I follow the flow which part is the first thing to calculate before get the proper cable sizing.

Benefit of this project is:
1. For further recommendation its might be easy for lecturer for subject Electrical system in Building to use this development for teaching session. 
2. It's also useful for the consultation companies that are needed the "service" of this calculation for the wiring.
3.  Also can contribute to safety environment for the resident building when user put and select the either requirement, the system will give warning of the wrong selection and notify the user what should be used.

Problem encounter: The problem that encounter during the simulation part is, I'm the beginner user for GUI, so it make me hard to start with MATLAB. Another problem is, the simulation part will appear error once I run the simulation, but its for temporary situation. Example:

Below is my Final Year Project 2 poster:

During presentation Final Year Project2

Week 13 (5 May - 11 May 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: On week 13, I continue with calculation of Voltage drop. For voltage drop I call back all the value that I get which is the cable size, IB, Length and also the TVDR. The formula that I use is:

 Vdr = (TVDR x P.factor) x IB x Length / 1000

Voltage drop is a excessive voltage drop in a circuit can cause the electrical equipment will be damage or burn. It causes the load to work harder with less voltage pushing the current. If current and impedance increase, so the voltage drop also increase.The %voltage drop is the permissible value of voltage drop that only has along the cable. Based on IEE regulation there is no large more 4% per cable. More length the cable, more voltage drop will have.

The result that I got from all the calculation and the data that user key in is:

  Reset button is used when the user want's to clear back all the data that they key in. The coding is:

set(handles.edit10,'string',''); ...........>>>>>>and so on...

When cursor is brought to button, the tooltip will appear to let user know what is it. The coding is:

B = sprintf('It,min= CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY **Click to get the value of It,min');
Week 12 (21 April - 27 April 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 12,I start the coding to calculate the Cable size which is recoding to the reference that I use (table 4D1A and table 4D1B). The coding is:

box7str = get(handles.edit7,'string'); /// edit7 is the box where the value of It,min appear
box7num = str2double(box7str);

if box7num >= 1 & box7num <= 12    /////based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 13.5
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 1mm');

if box7num >= 1 & box7num <= 12 ///Based on Table 4D1B
    set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 44');                       

if box7num >= 13.5 & box7num <= 16 ///based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 17.5
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 1.5mm');

if box7num >= 13.5 & box7num <= 16  ///Based on Table 4D1B    
      set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 29');                         

if box7num >= 17.5 & box7num <= 23 ///based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 24
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 2.5mm');

if box7num >= 17.5 & box7num <= 23 ///Based on Table 4D1B   
  set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 18');                         

if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31  //based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 32
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 4mm');

if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31   ///Based on Table 4D1B
    set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 11');                        

if box7num >= 32 & box7num <= 40  ///based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 41
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 6mm');

if box7num >= 32 & box7num <= 40 ///Based on Table 4D1B
   set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 7.3');                         

if box7num >= 41 & box7num <= 56 ///based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 57
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 10mm');

if box7num >= 41 & box7num <= 56 ///Based on Table 4D1B
    set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 4.4');                        

if box7num >= 57 & box7num <= 75 ///based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 76
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 16mm');

if box7num >= 57 & box7num <= 75  ///Based on Table 4D1B
    set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 2.8');                         

Based on the It,min, the value is 15.1156Amp so the cable size are selected are 1.5mm. It's all based on the coding above. When the It,min is>13.5 & <=16, the cable size is 1.5mm are selected. The TVDR also:

if box7num >= 13.5 & box7num <= 16 //based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 17.5
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 1.5mm');

if box7num >= 13.5 & box7num <= 16  ///Based on Table 4D1B    
      set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 29');                         

Based on the It,min, the value is 30.231Amp so the cable size are selected are 4mm. It's all based on the coding above. When the It,min is>24 & <=31, the cable size is 4mm are selected. The TVDR also:

if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31///based  data at Table, 1mm cable size the CCC is 32
    set(handles.text10,'string','>> Size cable that selected are = 4mm');

if box7num >= 24 & box7num <= 31   ///Based on Table 4D1B
    set(handles.text11,'string','>> TVDR is = 11');                        

***CCC = Current carrying capacity which is the current that allowed go through the cable.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Week 11 (14 April - 20 April 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 11, continue to get the value of It,min. It,min is the current carrying capacity which is the value of current that allowed to go through the cable.. The calculation will based on the formula below:

It,min = IN @ IB / (CaCgCi) 

Ca= Ambient Temperature
Cg= Grouping factor
Ci= Thermal insulation
Since the Thermal insulation not use,  it consider as 1.
When user already select the correction factor, when click the It,min button, the value will appear at coloring box.

To appear the value, I used the same coding like when I want to calculate the IB. The coding at push button It,min is:

Ambient_temperature = str2double(get(handles.edit12, 'String'));
Grouping_factor = str2double(get(handles.edit13, 'String'));
IB = str2double(get(handles.edit1, 'String'));
Calculate = IB/(Ambient_temperature*Grouping_factor);   
str = num2str(Calculate);
set(handles.edit7,'String', str);

The coding at coloring box that the value of It,min will appear:

str = num2str(It);
set(handles.edtIt, 'String', str);

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 10 (7 April -  13 April2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 10, it's still in progress. Continue with the conductor selection. The other is cable core and I only choose for singe core.
At the "conductor calculation" side, that's the only information that I take. All the information is depends on the reference that I used. Done with the material and so on, there has another parameter that user need to consider which is correction factor. The correction factor is consist Ambient temperature, Grouping Factor and Thermally insulating factor.

For Ambient Temperature, I used the 30deg C until 40deg C, which is the normal temperature in Malaysia. The data that I take from Table 4B1(book Requirement for Electrical Installation). Once the user select the Ambient temperature, the rating factor of that temperature will appear at empty box beside. Ambient Temperature is effect the cable that carrying the load, more heat required more higher the Ambient temperature.

The Table at shown the data that I used for Ambient temperature. When user choose 30deg C it will appear 1.00 and so on.

For Grouping factor, I used the grouping 1 until 5. Actually the grouping factor is up to 20 grouping of cable at 1 place. The grouping factor means the cable that are touching each other through the same path. It's will effect the heat of the cable which is heat will less when cable are alone and the heat will increased when cable bundled together. Same condition with Ambient temperature, the value of rating factor will appear at empty box when user select the grouping.

The Table 4C1 that I use to get the rating factor for Grouping factor.

The result will appear like figure below:
The coding that I use to get the rating factor is:

Ambient_temperature=get(handles.popupmenu1,'value'); /// popupmenu1 is the selected///

switch Ambient_temperature
    case 1
    case 2
      set(handles.edit12,'string','1.00');  /// edit 1 is the box that will appear the rating factor///
    case 3
     case 4

Coding for grouping factor:

Grouping_factor=get(handles.popupmenu2,'value'); /// popupmenu2 is the selected//

switch Grouping_factor
    case 1
    case 2
    case 3
      set(handles.edit13,'string','0.80');  ///edit 13 is the empty box that appear the value of///
    case 4
    case 5
    case 6

Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 9 (31 March - 6 April 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: In week 9, I continue to the other parameter that are needed to select the proper cable sizing. The Reference that I use is from table 4D1A and 4D1B (book Requirements for electrical Installations).

This is the Table 4D1A. In the data selected, that only the data that I take which is enclosed in conduit on a wall or in trunking. Single phase and the conductor cross-sectional area only for 1mm to 16mm. I choose that because  we can see nowadays residence mostly use the electrical system in building using conduit on wall for their house. So, the data selection is based on that situation.

From that table I can come out with the structure of the conductor information, consist of material cable, method of installation, types of cable and the cables core. Can see at figure below:

Figure shown the material cable which consist of thermoplastic(PVC), thermosetting, fire rated and also the mineral insulated. Refer to the data (Table 4D1A) so the material cable that I only use is 70deg C Thermoplastic (PVC).

For method of Installation, I only put the general method which is clipped direct, in conduit and trunking. Actually, there has two more of the method example in tray and conduit at thermally insulating wall. If I take all the data it will be much more of simulation coding. So, I refer to my Supervisor FYP, I agree to use only that data. 

Types of cable is consist of two types general use which is cooper and aluminum.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Week 8 (24 March - 30 March 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)

Objective: Result
Content: In week 8, I refer more how I want to write the coding to get the value of IB. The solution is

power = str2double(get(handles.edit5, 'String'));
efficiency = str2double(get(handles.edit6, 'String'));
voltage = str2double(get(handles.edit2, 'String'));
loadw = str2double(get(handles.edit4, 'String'));
IB = loadw/(voltage*power*efficiency);
str = num2str(IB);
set(handles.edit1,'String', str);

The coding is put at the button function. 

 For the value appear, the coding is:
 str = num2str(IB);
set(handles.edtIB, 'String', str);

The coding is to show the value of IB at the coloring box, beside IB box. The value will appear when the simulation will do the calculation at coding that I put at IB button above, and it will call the value (done calculation) appear at coloring box. The result we can see at the figure below:

Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 7(17March - 23 March 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 7, it's still in progress. 

This is the parameter to get the IB value. the user select the single phase or three phase, but the limitation of my project is only for the single phase. I consider the single phase user which is the low cost house. People don't usually use 3phase, so that's why I prefer single phase.That's my limitation. For the power factor and efficiency it's fix which is 0.85 and 90% or 0.9 efficiency. Its the normal value for both of them at Malaysia.
Power factor is the ratio of the main supply and the efficiency is the actual performance with what that can achieved. For the parameter site, since it was a single phase, so the nominal voltage that user need to key in is 230V (since 2008 the IEE regulation has been change from 240V to 230V). The length and the load is depends to the user. Once user key in all the data, click the button IB, it will get the value and appear at coloring box. The coding that I use to get the IB value is based on this calculation:

IB,design current = P/(V x P.f x Efficiency)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week 6 (10 March - 16 March 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: In week 6, after all the parameter I agree to put at GUI, proceed with the coding for simulation (calculation). The first story board is the front page:

All the axes is a picture. When user click the Next button, it will go to the main page. The coding for the picture appear is:
handles.output = hObject;axes(handles.axes3)
***axes3,axes4 and so on is the axes that the picture will appear and "imshow(robot.gif)" is to show the picture. When run the simulation, it's like the figure below.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 5 (3 March - 9 March 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 5, it still in progress. The GUI figure below is the parameter that I used for case study 1.        

The figure shown the final parameter that I want to use. When user click conductor information, and it will connect to conductor information.  Figure 1 is the parameter that user key in to get the IB value. The figure 2 is the parameter to get the It,min of the cable.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

 Week 4 (24 Feb - 2 March 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 4, it still in progress.I list all the all parameter and outline the GUI.
The picture above shown the example how the flow information that user need to put.All the result will out when user click calculate button. The important:
IB // current design
IN // current rating
V // nominal voltage
//Table at ESB book
Vdr // voltage drop

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 3 (17 Feb - 23Feb 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 3, it still in progress. The overall project, I want to do the case study. means the figure of Matlab it will not in variable type. The user will apply the case study that I input to Matlab to fill up the all information how to get the size cable. I came up with this case study because there has many calculation and variable that I has to put in Matlab if not used the case study. It might be not easy for me, because I'm a beginner with Matlab. 
Figure above is the case study 1 that I agree to used. All the user need is only put all the information to the GUI figure and the Matlab will calculate the rest.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 2 (10 Feb - 16 Feb 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: Week 2, it still in progress. Searching the simple coding for the GUI. there has many example about the GUI which is the application that are always use. example:

fig=b // means when run the program, this coding will transfer the figure a to figure b

When I want to go to another pages or figure, I apply this coding at Matlab editor. This project needs me to calculate the certain information. The calculation will be based of electrical system in building syllabus. There has complete calculation how to get the cable size. Example:

voltage = str2double(get(handles.edit11, 'String'));
loadw = str2double(get(handles.edit10, 'String'));
IB = loadw/voltage;// calculation to get the IB (current design)
str = num2str(IB);
set(handles.edit6,'String', str);

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Week 1 (3 Feb - 9 Feb 2014)

Title: Project progress (FYP 2)
Objective: Result
Content: For Final Year Project 2, I will continue with the result that i get from the project. Since it use the MATLAB, I search on how to connect the GUI with the program.  

This is the simple GUI that I have done. When the GUI was made use blank GUI, the editor will pop up and from that editor, the program has been write. the program is simple depend on what mathematical equation that you want.